Hello, 2022 Writing Goals!

…and hello, new website! 😎 I’m not actually done with it yet, but I figured it would be nice to start off the new year by posting here. I’ve been working on revamping my website (got a new host and everything) since last November, and I’ve sat on it enough. πŸ˜… Click around (the menu bar is above) and let me know what you think! I’ve tried to make it as mobile-friendly as possible.

I’ll be spending the rest of this month fixing up the website, but for now, it’s resolution time! πŸ’ͺ

New year, new goals. I have several personal goals, including fixing my diet and health (it seems my cholesterol is pretty high, whoops), exercising at least 5 times a week, and setting aside time weekly to revise my languages, but I’ll be focusing on my creative goals here.

Without further ado, my goals for 2022:

My creative goals for 2022

Current WIPs

  • Finish rewriting and editing Something Better
    (this is still the link to the original first draft, which I cringe at now, but… oh well. I won’t be posting my rewrite as of now, but I’m looking for Beta Readers for when I’m done!)
  • Write and update at least 5 new chapters for Auld Lang Syne
  • Spend at least 1 hour daily writing / planning / researching for WIPs

Writing goals

  • Start writing sequel to The Rapihi Chronicles
  • Write a monthly blog post to update on my writing projects
  • Write some short stories
  • Post more completed stories on Inkitt

Other creative projects

  • Make stickers featuring characters from The Rapihi Chronicles
  • Practise guitar again! (I want to get a new electric, too)
  • Finish writing that old song: “Mr Gator Travels the World”

Reading goals


  • Finish C++ online course
  • Improve skills in various design/video-editing software

That’s mostly it. The ones I’m prioritising are naturally the goals involving my current WIPs: Something Better (re-write) and Auld Lang Syne. I’ve also been thinking about setting up a better accountability system for myself, to keep track of my writing goals and progress each month (or even week). I might set weekly writing goals in January and see how that goes… I was doing a monthly word count goal for December 2021, but ended up feeling really burnt out because I overstretched myself. This year, I’ll have to return to working at the office, so I’ll have to plan around that. No more writing during lunch break and immediately after work. 😬

I’m thinking that I should start off the year with a lower word count goal, so I don’t overwhelm myself, and adjust the goal accordingly so that it remains manageable. I’ve been taking these first two days of 2022 off (it’s the weekend, after all!), so I will start writing tomorrow.

To start off, I’ll set a weekly writing goal of 3,000 words. But I want to focus less on the word count and more on actually moving the plot along through relevant scenes, so the word count goal is just an estimate. What I really want to finish is the last 2 scenes for Auld Lang Syne to complete Chapter 15.

So that’s the aim for next week! After that, I’ll see how working in office while writing works for me, then tweak my writing goals when I return to writing Something Better.

I’m all fired up now! πŸ”₯ Here’s to (hopefully) an inspiring and productive year of writing ahead!

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