Camp Check-in: Week 3
I missed the Camp NaNoWriMo round-up post last Friday, because I was too busy being angsty.
So here it is! Inclusive of what I wrote today (599 words).
Camp Check-in: Week 2
Week 2 of Camp NaNoWrimo and I’m right on track! Just got past the halfway mark today and I’m done for the week.
Camp Check-in: Week 1
It’s a week into April, which also means a week into Camp NaNoWriMo! ⛺ It’s going well so far. I don’t really write on the weekends, so this will be it for the week. Unless I’m suddenly inspired, of course.
Gearing up for April
So! After my previous entry about being unmotivated and uninspired, I rediscovered my inspiration. 😂 I started writing a little here and there about for my other stories, moved away from thinking what I should be working on and stressing myself out about it.
Bored, unmotivated, and uninspired
Not sure what’s going on with me recently. Or — wait — maybe I do. I’m tired of my working hours. I’m tired of ending late. And I’m just… tired.
Branching out in February
A quick mid-month update! 😎
So — funny story. I actually started writing this entry a whole week ago, but ended up so busy at work (and after work with my creative projects) that I didn’t have time to continue it until right now. And so much has changed since then!
An eventful January
I meant to update in the middle of the month but so many things have been happening that I kept postponing the update until… well, now. 😅 It’s the end of the month, and also Lunar New Year’s Eve — so this is a great time to do a quick round-up of what’s been happening so far in 2022!