Books and Celebrations

How does a month simultaneously fly and crawl past? It feels like forever since I’ve last posted, but also: in the blink of an eye, I find myself smack in the (almost) middle of February.
October-December: In the blink of an eye
I’ve failed in my resolution for 2022 to write a blog entry at least once every month. I disappeared from here after my trip to Sweden, but I’ve still been working on little projects (and writing — I did NaNoWriMo but unfortunately did not complete my goal).
September/October: The year is flying past…
I almost always never get anything done in the latter months of the year… September, as expected, flew by. I’m always really distracted in this month because it’s my birthday month! And I start counting down to it from the beginning of the month.
July: Camp NaNo & Shirt Designs
I didn’t think I’d manage it, considering I only started Camp NaNoWriMo midway through July, but I finished my July goal for once! 😎
May: A Quiet Month
Looks like my resolution to update every week only ever lasts so long.
Well, I’m back for my month-end wrap up, at least! I’ve been quiet both here and on Discord this month, but it’s because I’ve switched to putting up my daily to-do lists on Instagram Story. And it’s been going well — I manage to finish everything on my to-do list (granted, it’s usually only made up of 4 items) most days. And posting a blog update is on today’s list.
Camp NaNoWriMo Wrap-up!
TA-DA! April is over, and so is Camp NaNoWriMo! I managed to hit my 10k word count goal a couple days before Camp was over, so I did get to relax a little towards the end.
Camp Check-in: Week 2
Week 2 of Camp NaNoWrimo and I’m right on track! Just got past the halfway mark today and I’m done for the week.
Camp Check-in: Week 1
It’s a week into April, which also means a week into Camp NaNoWriMo! ⛺ It’s going well so far. I don’t really write on the weekends, so this will be it for the week. Unless I’m suddenly inspired, of course.
Gearing up for April
So! After my previous entry about being unmotivated and uninspired, I rediscovered my inspiration. 😂 I started writing a little here and there about for my other stories, moved away from thinking what I should be working on and stressing myself out about it.
March on! Music box project reveal
Wow, do the months whiz past. ðŸ¤
February flew past while I was working on my (semi-secret) music project — the one I mentioned working on in the last entry. And I’m done with it!
So here it is: a DIY music box!